Stone Paving Driveway Contractor in Denver CO
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Paving a driveway with concrete or asphalt costs a lot of money and is not as durable as stone paving. The main advantage of stone paving is that it will improve the longevity of your driveway. Creating pathways with crushed rocks takes time, but once it’s done, you’ll only need to do routine maintenance such as replacing the mortar every 2-3 years, in comparison with 3-4 years for the other types. As far as cost goes, even if you consider the added labor costs and time involved in doing concrete or asphalt paver work then there’s no contest; stone paving will be cheaper from day one.
Stone paving is natural and creates a beautiful, unique flooring for your driveway. A stone paving will be unique and never look the same as the one your neighbor has. Our company uses different types of stone for paving an individual driveway so that a driveway will stand out for its uniqueness. For example, some rock types include granite, basalt, slate and sandstone. In terms of appearance, you can choose anything from rustic to formal in between the varying rock textures, colors and shapes or even mix two or more together to achieve the desired look of an eclectic drive.
When designing a driveway we ask for three things:
- What type of road and style do you want your driveway to have? – this is important because it will determine the rock type used in the paving.
- How wide is your driveway?- this will also determine the rock type used in the pavement.
- How much do you want to spend on your driveway? Well, we have a price range based on these parameters and more. We also offer stone masonry services as well as other construction-related services.
When you install stone pavers, it requires little to almost no maintenance. Since the installation is permanent, there are no cleaning or sealing procedures. The pavers are ideal for people who live in areas with harsh weather as they can be easily maintained by simply mowing the grass around the driveway. Stone pavers are the most cost-effective type of driveway paving that provides a permanent solution to all your driveway paving problems.
Stone pavers can be more comfortable than concrete or asphalt. Stone pavers are excellent insulators because of the shaggy curls and they are reversible, another advantage over asphalt. Concrete is also reversible but it has a poor thermal insulation value. On the other hand, asphalt is neither reversible nor insulates well, although concrete is not very warm at all.
If you’re looking for a driveway paving solution, consider stone pavers and the advantages they offer. Stone pavers will give you a path to your very own beautiful driveway that is totally unique to you. A stone-paved driveway provides a long-lasting solution that is well worth the investment and hassle of maintaining it.
Denver Retaining Wall Solutions provides professional retaining wall & masonry services in Denver, Colorado and the surrounding area. We are proud to be one of the few companies in Denver that offer complete services for retaining wall & masonry. Our Denver contractor’s experience, skill level and expertise allow us to save you money while offering high quality workmanship. Call us today and get a free estimate on your project.
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